Ford Podium Rating

Rates Ford: 01375 391234

Rates Galleywood: 01245 678400

Rates Ford Transit: 01375 391234

Rates Ford:
Rates Galleywood:

Book A Service or MOT

Rates Group is here to help keep your vehicle up and running.

We know that regular servicing and maintenance will help keep your vehicle running to optimum performance. By servicing your car regularly, it prevents costly surprises when you least expect them. Not only this, it is much more economical for you in the long run.

Our vehicle servicing covers all of the key safety aspects you would expect from a service; suspension, brakes, tyres and steering  as well as air & pollen filter change, oil change and a free wash and vac so your vehicle leaves our servicing department feeling brand new.

Book your next MOT or Service by using the enquiry form above or call us today to discuss your requirements.

Rates Ford:
Rates Galleywood:

R T Rate Limited is also authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for consumer credit purposes. We are a broker for finance and not a lender.

We can introduce you to a limited number of lenders and finance products to assist with your purchase, who may pay us for introducing you to them. FCA number: 308827

You can check this on the FCA’s website or by contacting the FCA on 0300 5008082.